Our New Fox Creek Shop Is Now Open!!
Come on in and see our staff at our new location!! 309-1B Ave, Fox Creek!!

PSV Sales & Service
Rocky Mountain Valve Services Ltd has access to a wide range of safety relief valves to meet your applications. These valves provide rugged fit for purpose performance. Spring loaded relief valves from 150ANSI to 2500ANSI are available in small and large sizes.

Wellhead Servicing
The potential danger of fugitive emissions in process pipelines, wellhead and facility processes never sleeps. Your valve PM solutions shouldn’t either. Rocky Mountain Valve Services offers unique PM programs that suit each individual client; helping to reduce or eliminate emissions from their valves.

API Sales & Service
Rocky Mountain Valve Service’s API/ANSI Repair facilities are available wherever you need us, whenever you need us, Rocky Mountain Valve has access to all OEM and aftermarket resources. With service locations strategically available and highly trained technicians, RMV offers solutions that deliver new levels of efficiency and cost savings, Rocky Mountain Valve is there when you need them.

ANSI Sales & Service
Currently Rocky Mountain Valve Services and Repairs all makes and models of ANSI valves. Please contact your closest RMV Branch for more information, availability and turn around times.

In-Situ Field Servicing
Rocky Mountain Valve Services offers Off-highway-Vehicle services. Have hard to reach wells or locations. Restricted by weather or time of the year for access. Rocky Mountain Valve Services has the option you need.

PM Program Development
The potential danger of fugitive emissions in process pipelines, wellhead and facility processes never sleeps. Your valve PM solutions shouldn’t either. Rocky Mountain Valve Services offers unique PM programs that suit each individual client; helping to reduce or eliminate emissions from their valves.
Developing PRV & Wellhead Solutions For The Alberta Energy Sectors Preventative Maintenance Programs.
PSV Servicing
Pressure Relief Valves are designed to automatically protect your equipment against excessive over-pressure. Every care is taken in the service and setting of these valves to ensure complete dependability in performance. Our constant objective is to provide superior service that will assure ultimate protection/functionality at the lowest cost, both initially and throughout your valves service life.
Field Servicing
Rocky Mountain Valve Services offers unique PM programs that suit each individual client; helping to reduce or eliminate emissions from their valves. Industry leading, and time tested sealants and lubricants are used to help you to meet or exceed EPA fugitive emission requirements and to help you realize your environmental goals
Experienced Trained Personal
Rocky Mountain Valve Services offers to its employees an innovative hands on training program combined with manufacturer training courses to ensure that all makes and models of valves are properly reconditioned back to O.E.M.
No Project Too Big Or Too Small
PRV Repair
Pressure Relief Valves are designed to automatically protect your equipment against excessive over-pressure. Every care is taken in the service and setting of these valves to ensure complete dependability in performance. Our constant objective is to provide superior service that will assure ultimate protection/functionality at the lowest cost, both initially and throughout your valves service life.
Currently Rocky Mountain Valve Service and Repairs all makes and models of Pressure Relief Devices. Please contact your closest RMV Branch for more information, availability and turn around times.
PRV Sales
Rocky Mountain Valve Services Ltd, is dedicated to providing relief valve products and other leading overpressure protection products and services in Alberta. Our flow control centres provide around-the-clock access to every manufacturer available in Canada. RMV is proud to represent industry-leading companies and their high quality control products.
Rocky Mountain Valve Services Ltd has access to a wide range of safety relief valves to meet your applications. These valves provide rugged fit for purpose performance. Spring loaded relief valves from 150ANSI to 2500ANSI are available in small and large sizes. These valves are manufactured in many materials and configurations. Pilot operated relief valves provide highly accurate pressure relief settings in snap acting and modulating designs, with numerous accessories. Steam valves are specially designed for use in demanding steam applications. Expertise to ensure customer’s problems can be solved properly and on time, every time. For a quote for a new or reconditioned valves please contact one of our “Flow Control Centres” and talk to one of our PRV specialist.
RMVDB online gives customers access to their PRV information 24/7/365. Contact one of our “Flow Control Centres” and talk to one of our representatives to sign up for on-line PRV access.
The potential danger of fugitive emissions in process pipelines, wellhead and facility processes never sleeps. Your valve PM solutions shouldn’t either. Rocky Mountain Valve Services offers unique PM programs that suit each individual client; helping to reduce or eliminate emissions from their valves. Industry leading, and time tested sealants and lubricants are used to help you to meet or exceed EPA fugitive emission requirements and to help you realize your environmental goals. Each of our “FLOW CONTROL CENTRES” provides at least two fully self-contained field service units which enables us to amply facilitate our clients preventative maintenance requirements on a daily/monthly/bi-annual or yearly basis. These units stock a vast array of fittings, packing, elastomers, lubricants and sealant products, are outfitted with air compression, tooling, pneumatic equipment and high pressure pumping units to ensure minimum down time is experienced for emergency repairs and day to day lubrication purposes.
Rocky Mountain Valve field units are insulated and equipped with adequate heating systems which allows us to operate, and remain fully functional throughout the western Canadian winter months.
Our “Field Protocols” insist that the same strict standards are adhered to for quality and safety as our “FLOW CONTROL CENTRES”. Each unit has a library of policies and procedures, safe-work procedures and all the necessary HSE documents required to perform our task safely, and within current OH&S guidelines.
Get Your Valve PM Started Today
We’ve Been Servicing Alberta For Over 35 years
Client Testimonials
With respect to Rocky Mountain Valve Fox Creek their knowledge and expertise regarding valves and PRV’s is second to none. Excellent workmanship and very high quality standards.
I have been working with Rocky Mountain Valve Fox Creek for 5 years now and have found their knowledge and technical abilities to be exceptional. That accompanied with their excellent customer service makes them a top pick for me.